Asking Better Questions: Because we have to.

I was asked recently by Marketing Consultant Sara Bruno to comment on what I believe individualized medicine is for the world. Questions such as these come at a remarkable time in human history when never before have humans collectively created so quickly the problems that now threaten the existence of our species and the planet as a whole – nor have we ever in commonly recorded science been able to quantify or qualify so much of what was once considered sacred truth in ancient civilizations.


We are asking better questions, because we have to.

In particular we can look at the science of genetics, epigenetics and genomics, each contributing to “individualized medicine” which are unravelling biological, historical and environmental determinants related to our DNA; can health outcomes be impacted by factors in ones’ lineage, what markers trigger full-blown life-threatening disease, and what can be reversed or eliminated by virtue of knowing specifically the workings of full DNA sequences? How much suffering can we control individually, or who do we need the help from, and how?

Click here to continue reading this post from Wellness on Whyte.

Wellness on Whyte is located in Suite #303 in the Roots on Whyte Community Building

Posted on August 7, 2019 .

Aging and Dental Health

Ageing and Dental Health


Your oral health is directly connected to your overall health. And as you get older, it becomes increasingly important to ensure good dental and oral health. Many people mistakenly believe that tooth loss is a natural component of ageing. This is simply a myth. Just as regular brushing and flossing, as well as routine dental visits are critical for preventing cavities in children, good dental habits can help ensure that your teeth last a lifetime. Good oral hygiene is even more important for seniors as it reduces the risk of more serious health problems, including diabetes, pneumonia, and heart disease.

Click here to continue reading this post from Roots on Whyte Dental.

Roots on Whyte Dental clinic is located in Suite #304 in the Roots on Whyte Community Building

Posted on August 7, 2019 .

Stress: why Zebras don't get ulcers.

Why Zebras Don’t Get Ulcers

Robert Zapolsky, professor of neurology at Stanford University, has some thoughts on stress, particularly chronic stress. Zapolsky maintains that Zebras don’t get ulcers because in response to a stressful situation zebras either die after 3 minutes of screaming in terror or escape to freedom if fate should smile on them. Humans on the other hand, have what is called an “anticipatory stress response.” Homeostasis is what we aim for, which means that we are functioning in a state of equilibrium or balance. In the case of the zebra, the lion-predator would be the key to disrupting the homeostatic balance in the internal and external environment of the zebra. For the human however, and this is the clincher, even the expectation of being thrown out of homeostatic balance will cause that very fear to manifest and disrupt our homeostatic state causing illness. What this translates to is that if we expect to get sick, or expect bad things to happen, they will.


Click here to read more of this post from Le Soleil Health and Wholeness…

Le Soleil Health and Wholeness is located in Suite #201 in the Roots on Whyte Community Building.

Posted on August 7, 2019 .

Welcome to our New Blog Page

We are very excited to introduce our new blog page and to share with you some of the very helpful and informative posts we have curated from our Wellness Community here at Roots on Whyte! Stay tuned for our first posts very soon.

Posted on July 16, 2019 .